The First Step To Stopping Your Breakup

Hey, I know you are going through a tough time right now, and I wish we could have met under better circumstances. But I've got somebody I'd like you to meet. I am not sure if he can help you in your situation, but you might want to check him out?

His name is T Dub and he has helped a lot of people with broken hearts. As a matter of fact, he has helped over 50,000 people in 70 countries. I really like what he has to say about relationships failing due to a lack of passion, not big huge problems.

He really has some powerful free tips and ideas in his video you can use right now to help get you started. He also has great advice about the first step you need to take to stop a breakup. Even if you have already made some mistakes, this works great. Here it is ...

Here is the special Blue Link that he was talking about that gets you more information about the complete system.

There are also some great testimonials from people just like you who thought their situation was hopeless, but are now back together and happier than ever thanks to his system.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

7 Powerful Ways to Build Trust in a Relationship

7 Powerful Ways to Build Trust in a Relationship

Do you know these 7 concrete ways to build trust in a relationship? Often, what really makes a relationship work are not the things we think of first. For instance, do you think you always need to spice things up? Wrong! Predictability is more important than variety in a relationship. The following seven methods are guaranteed to grow your connection by improving the level of trust in a relationship.

First, as I mentioned in the opening paragraph, you need to be predictable to build trust in a relationship. This goes against the common notion that you need to “stir things up” to keep the romance alive. Sure, going to a new restaurant or giving a surprise gift can be nice, but most of all, we need things to be consistent and steady in order to make our relationships work. Consider that trust in a relationship is built on being reliable day in and day out.

Next, you need to make sure that your words always match the message. This means that your partner needs to hear the words which match your body language. If you say you are happy but you are frowning, your partner doesn’t hear your words, he or she sees your face and the tone in your voice. Your parter needs to be able to trust what you are saying. When the words match the message, you build trust in a relationship.

Third, you need to have a fundamental belief in your partner’s competency. If you don’t you won’t have the trust in a relationship that you need. When lovingly communicated, the truth is never destructive. When you do not believe that your partner is competent at some things (or indeed, anything), you violate the trust in a relationship.

Fourth, don’t keep secrets. Secrets destroy the trust in a relationship. Be honest and open. Assume everything you know will eventually come out. Secrets require enormous energy on your part. That is energy that could be going into building the relationship.

, don’t be afraid to let your partner know what your needs are. Don’ t make him or her guess what you need. Let them know. It is okay to be self-centered as long as you are not selfish. Indeed, if you are reluctant to assert your needs, you may go overboard in the opposite direction and smother your partner.

Sixth, learn to say no. When your partner voices his or her needs, that is a good thing. But you don’t need to say yes to everything. A partner cannot respect you if you never say no. Refusing to be subjugated to the other person’s will actually builds trust in a relationship.

always pursue growth. When you plant a flower, you begin by digging in the dirt. Digging in the dirt of our relationships can sometimes cause pain. But, through that pain, we prepare the soil for future growth. Don’t be afraid of turmoil, crisis, or questions. These become the fertilizer for growth and change. Embrace what is difficult.

When you decide to work on trust in a relationship, you are bound to encounter a little pain. But, as you work through this pain, you will not only become stronger as an individual, you will also strengthen your relationship.

Check out the videos at for some great FREE advice, and scroll to the bottom of the page for Testimonials from people just like you.

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